USRA President’s Report
June 2004

It’s hard to believe that we start the USRA Championship Racing series (sponsored by Zenoah) this month. Loren Tregelles and his veteran team of race workers are putting the finishing touches on what is sure to be a fantastic first race in El Dorado, Kansas.  This will be the 4th year for the Wings over El Dorado event held outside of Wichita Kansas.  The city of El Dorado pulls out all the stops in welcoming the race teams attending this event.  With the gracious support of the city and the host airport, Wings over El Dorado is a can’t miss event. 

I think it is important to remind everyone what’s up for grabs this year.  The USRA Championship Series sponsor Zenoah had committed $15,000.00 in prizes to the series.  Because of Zenoah’s on going support, the F1 GT class will be a USRA recognized championship class. Tom Easterday and CRT are again sponsoring the F1 class with $3000.00 per race.  California Research Tabulations and Lopez Construction have put up $1500.00 for a Rookie of the Year end of the season bonus.  Ed Rankin Designs and Team/Extra, have contingency bonuses for the top finishers flying their aircraft at the end of the season.  Big thanks to all of our sponsors!

It is very important to remember that we are guests at all of the USRA racing series venues and equally important to act accordingly.  Policing your area for trash and being aware of your surrounds before letting fly with the off color words, are some things to keep in mind while attending the races.  Again, we are the guests at these events and the impressions we leave are very important for the continued support of the host city and airport.  Take the time to answer spectators questions, you may be talking to a potential racer.  The hospitality you show may be the push that person needs to start racing Giant Scale. 

Make plans to attend the 5th annual North Coast Challenge in Ashtabula, Ohio August 19-22, 2004.  Tony Husak and company are planning a real celebration to make their 5th year of hosting the NCC.  Stacy and I will be having our annual Kick off Picnic Thursday the 19th at our house – minus the blackout.  Chris and Joann Justus are throwing a shindig at their home on Friday night.  And to top it all off, we have the banquet on Saturday night. You can actually come to the North Coast Challenge and not have to buy dinner your whole stay.  Make your hotel reservations and buy your corn on the cob skewers, because you are sure not going to want to miss the Ohio hospitality.

Remember to mark your calendar for the re-scheduled Blue Water River Run to be held in Parker, Arizona October 7-11.  Denny Baker says the Wednesday and Thursday night room rates are $39.00 and Friday and Saturday nights are $69.00 a night at the Blue Water Resort and Casino.  He has also set aside a larger block of rooms this year. Because of the amount of fun Blue Water guests had last year, I wouldn’t wait to make my reservations.

This is sure to be a banner year for the USRA and Giant Scale Racing.  Let’s make it a fun and safe racing season.

'Til next time,
